Late summer diets and the Earth element in TCM
August 16, 2023
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Community Center
Village of Friendship Heights
4433 South Park Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Come learn how to support your body and mind during the “dog days” of summer on Wednesday, Aug. 16 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the Village Center. Dr. Kimberly Coleman will discuss the best diets and lifestyle adaptations for what is known as the earth season in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Earth is the element of late summer and is associated with our spleen and stomach. Dr. Coleman will be offering an overview of TCM and its modalities, dietary suggestions, and lifestyle adaptations for late summer, along with self-care treatments for conditions such as swelling and phlegm. Complementary ear seed treatment will be available upon request prior to the lecture. Sign up at the Village Center or call 301-656-2797.