Concert: Ashbrook and Oorts
March 13, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Community Center
Village of Friendship Heights
4433 South Park Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Belgian-born Paul Oorts performs on harp guitar, 10-string cittern mandolin and musette accordion most often with his wife, hammered dulcimer player Karen Ashbrook. He is very active in the world of English, Contra, and Vintage dances in the DC-Baltimore area. With Goldcrest he has performed at dance events all over the United States. For more than 40 years, Karen has been an international pioneer and advocate in the revival of the hammered dulcimer. Along the way she added Irish wooden flute and pennywhistle. Her career has spanned performances throughout Europe and Asia. Her strong commitment to using her music as a healing art led her to become a therapeutic musician, founding Music for the Spirit-healing hammered dulcimer music. Read more in the Village News.